Filings | Format | Description | Filed/Effective | File/Film Number |
8-K | Documents | Current report, items 7.01 and 9.01
Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000244 (34 Act) Size: 45 KB |
2015-08-20 | 000-22179 151065880 |
8-K | Documents | Current report, items 7.01 and 9.01
Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000242 (34 Act) Size: 43 KB |
2015-08-20 | 000-22179 151065732 |
8-K | Documents | Current report, items 2.02, 7.01, and 9.01
Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000232 (34 Act) Size: 126 KB |
2015-08-13 | 000-22179 151050953 |
424B3 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000230 (33 Act) Size: 354 KB |
2015-08-13 | 333-203589 151049030 |
424B3 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000228 (33 Act) Size: 354 KB |
2015-08-13 | 333-205676 151049000 |
424B3 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000226 (33 Act) Size: 354 KB |
2015-08-13 | 333-198733 151048991 |
10-Q | Documents Interactive Data | Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000224 (34 Act) Size: 2 MB |
2015-08-13 | 000-22179 151048792 |
DEF 14A | Documents | Other definitive proxy statements Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000215 (34 Act) Size: 125 KB |
2015-07-31 | 000-22179 151019299 |
EFFECT | Documents | Notice of Effectiveness Acc-no: 9999999995-15-002118 (33 Act) Size: 1 KB |
2015-07-30 17:00:00 | 333-205676 151017752 |
424B3 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000213 (33 Act) Size: 884 KB |
2015-07-30 | 333-205676 151017204 |
8-K | Documents | Current report, items 7.01 and 9.01
Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000211 (34 Act) Size: 42 KB |
2015-07-29 | 000-22179 151010563 |
424B3 | Documents | Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000209 (33 Act) Size: 884 KB |
2015-07-28 | 333-205676 151008417 |
CORRESP | Documents | [Cover]Correspondence Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000207 Size: 6 KB |
2015-07-28 | |
UPLOAD | Documents | [Cover]SEC-generated letter Acc-no: 0000000000-15-038435 Size: 153 KB |
2015-07-24 | |
PRE 14A | Documents | Other preliminary proxy statements Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000205 (34 Act) Size: 125 KB |
2015-07-20 | 000-22179 15995296 |
4 | Documents | Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000201 Size: 9 KB |
2015-07-17 | |
4 | Documents | Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000199 Size: 15 KB |
2015-07-17 | |
4 | Documents | Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000197 Size: 23 KB |
2015-07-17 | |
D | Documents | Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities, item 06b
Acc-no: 0000924515-15-000001 (33 Act) Size: 12 KB |
2015-07-15 | 021-243795 15989144 |
S-1 | Documents Interactive Data | General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 Acc-no: 0001121781-15-000195 (33 Act) Size: 4 MB |
2015-07-15 | 333-205676 15989057 |